Monday, April 30, 2012

    Teacher is the most  important educational factor affecting student learning and development in which to be an effective one teacher must teach for understanding by using a variety of methods/strategies that encourage student’s development of critical thinking, engaging, and more efficient. This what I recognize from my learning experience in science, techniques that were used and their effectiveness in my learning.
   In the elementary cycle I had learned science in an interesting way, I remember the activity that enforce us to bring a different kinds of seed and classify them into different categories based on their shapes in G1. Also I enjoyed going to a public garden in G2 in order to know how do we take care of plants ,flowers also the teacher explain for us the benefit of keeping the garden clean and always she gives us an instructions of not throwing garbage, not picking flowers, playing safely without damaging the trees which house many birds and animals. More over in grade4 the teacher takes us to LCD room in which she prepares for us a video and animation about the five different types of vertebrate and how they live and developed.
   In the intermediate cycle I remember teacher Ali that he teaches us chemistry and physics for three years (7, 8, and 9) , h e was an effective teacher in which he relates everything took in class into real life I remember the activity that he done for us in order to understand the difference between compounds and elements, he brings balls of different colors and divided them into 2 groups the first group had 1 color while the second group had different colors then he relates this to his lesson that element is made up of one particles and compounds are made up of twp particles so till now I still remember this and I will not forget it .Also with the same teacher in grade 8 he request from us to bring 3 cups of plastic and name them as A,B,C then put in A (water, sugar) ,B (water, sand) and in C (Orange juice) after that he asks us to observe what happen so from this experiment we understand mixtures, solute, solvent in a very interesting way, so always he tends to use a variety of methods in teaching not just lecturing the subject but on application and experiments. Also I remember the activity in physics that we bring dry cell, lambs, ammeters and the teacher start explaining the lesson of electricity on these materials by dividing the students into groups and working together so till now I still remember what we do in order to allow the lambs to light.
  In the secondary I remember a biology teacher that she explains for us the lesson of blood type by bringing a videos and posters about RBC, WBC and coagulation also she makes blood cross examination for students in order to know the blood faction, also in this cycle I hate chemistry a lot since teacher tend to skip most of the important steps in solving exercises so I found difficulties in transferring the knowledge into new situation so till now I don’t know how to balance an equation. On the other hand I had also remember teacher nada that teach me biology in grade 12 in which she always vary between the methods used in the progress of her work so for today I still remember blood group testing that done for all the students in the class in which we put a drop of blood and then we immersed them in different antibodies after we mixed them agglutination occurred in the corresponding blood group.
  Reaching to university what I remember the most is the experiments that done in labs like the titration    , dissection of heart, also writing reports in chemistry that includes objectives, materials, procedures, results(calculation). In addition to that I remember the field trip that done in Ecology lab by teacher Mohammad ALSalla in which he takes us to ALArz, Ameek swamp and many others. Moreover I enjoyed his way in teaching us how to analyze, interpret and draw a conclusion since that time I still confused between them so he tried to teach us the skills and not to memorize the documents that he discusses them in class and he used to give extra activities in order to master them.
  As a conclusion there is a quote for Alfred Mercier that is what we learn with pleasure we never forget. So an effective teacher enhances student learning more than any other aspect of schooling thus the teacher might use more than one method in order to reach their objectives and understanding.