Thursday, May 17, 2012

My lovely Mom

 The mom is an important and special person in our life. If I want to give her rights, I can’t. All moms are nice regardless of their physical appearance. They have tender hearts that are trained to be patient. All moms have passionate feelings that they can give to their children. And as Prophet Mohammed Peace is upon him says, ‘’The paradise is under the mothers feet’’, and he said: ‘’Moms, Moms, Moms then fathers.’’ The moms sacrifice for their children and if one of their children is sick, they stay all night beside him or her.                                                                                                  
 We love you mom because you are the best and most important person in our life and from you, we take the good morals. The Mothers heart is a school for raising and taking care of daughters and sons who are the new generation. When we see you beside us, we feel very happy, because you help us and you do for us what we want without waiting any return from us. You let us differentiate the good actions from the bad ones. 

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